Monday, October 20, 2008


Welcome to my blog. If you ever wonder why it is uncomfortable in a hotel bed and kick around the sheets because they tuck the sheets too tight, then you are already experiencing the concept of lifting sheets completely off your feet to enjoy the full effect of comfort that can be realized in bed. If you think you sleep well, then think again about improving what you thought was fine.
Take a pillow and fold it in half and shove it at the foot of your bed between the flat and fitted sheets with the curved edge facing your feet. Then jump into bed and lay on your back and see the tent you've made to accommodate your toes. Then lay on your side and notice the space is still distracting sheets or heavy blankets. If you have bunions or any type of foot disorder...this is a must for your recovery and comfort. The folded pillow will not stay in place all night, but a MYtoeSPACEpillow will. Please check out my website with free transportation (for now) at thanks for blogging.

Below is some jibberish to get you here... foot disorders, sleep disorders, sleep comfort, foot rest bed, custom size foam, medical supplies, bedding pillow, lounge comfort, novelty gift, blanket lifter, foot cushion, foot support, toe disorders, diabetic pillow, hang nail, hammertoe, dropfoot, corns, bunion, athletic foot injury, rehabilitation foot, rehabilitation ankle, toenail disease, toenail diseases, foot ulcers, unique gift, insulation foam, yoga bolsters, bolsters, jackson roll, lumbar roll, foam cushion, sheet lifter, bed clothes, neck support, head support, ankle support, foot comfort, toe cushion, sleep tent, bed tent, pillow toe, home based business Arlington TX, Christian business, sports pillow, roll, round pillow, round cushion, my space, toe space, my toe space, foot space, foot tent, toe tent, tent feet, lift pillow, patent pending pillow, MY toe SPACE pillow, luxury pillow, luxury cushion, sleep feet, neck cushion, neck bolster, sleep better, neck pillow, head pillow lounge, TV pillow bed, TV pillow, Reading pillow, Reading pillow bed, lounge pillow, bed lounge, bed comfort, affordable pillow, affordable cushion, foam pillow, foam foot, foam foot pillow, foam roll, foam bolster, cheap pillow, value pillow, bedding lifter, Bunions, Corns, Hammertoe, Ingrown Nail, Hang nail, Drop foot, Weak ankles, Diabetic pillow feet, Diabetic cushion, Diabetic cushion feet, Diabetic foot, Diabetic foot pillow, Diabetic foot ulcers, Foot ulcer pillow, Foot ulcer tent, Foot ulcer cushion, Diabetic foot complications, Foot wound pillow, Foot wood cushion, Toe wound pillow, Toe wound cushion, Toe infections, Toe infection pillow, Toe infection bed, Toe infection cushion, Toe infection bed pillow, Toe infection tent, Cushion tent, Pillow tent, Posture pillow, Posture feet bed, Align spine pillow, pamper feet, pamper toes, ankle care bed, tired feet pillow, tired feet foot rest, rest toes bed, resting space, toe tent bed, foot surgry pillow, toe surgery pillow, rehabilitation pillow,

HI! My Name is Kim Feil and have invented a new pillow for the foot of the bed! I'm in this blog to get started spreading the word as I do not think buying keywords for google and other search engines would benefit me because people do not know what they are missing in NOT having this pillow to rest their toes on! I need to find a way to create a demand. I believe grassroots blogs like this is a way.

At first I needed a pillow to lift my sheets and blankets off of my inflammed bunion. The weight of the sheets and blankets caused pain. After the inflammation subsided, I tried to sleep without the foot pillow, but now cannot sleep without it cause its less distracting having sheets touching my feet and I look forward to resting my toes against the soft pillow.
This pillow is like smoking didn't miss/enjoy smoking until you started, and then when you try to find out that you are hooked!

1 comment: said...

Please email We'd like to learn more about your story please. Thank you